terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2021

The never-ending pie chart story….

 recently I found at LinkedIn an interesting contribution and some comments on it.

"Make your pie charts pop with #Qlik's new #dataviz styling options! Customise to your heart's content with different outline colours, widths, corner radius looks, or add text to the inner radius."

and how users react...

Please don't forget to use pie charts sparingly in your dashboards and follow some of Bernard Marr's advice if you still want to use pie charts: https://bernardmarr.com/why-you-shouldnt-use-pie-charts-in-your-dashboards-and-performance-reports

Here are some examples of pie charts with contents which could be presented by better chart types:

the author of this chart already presented a possible better solution in his chart. Bars should be dimensioned by the values and then sorted and brought into a ranking order...

not the best choice for comparisons


same colours for different content causes confusion

As can be seen bar charts offer a better and faster overview and reading. 

Most of pie chart content can be better presented with bar charts. They provide for example better overview, comparing and sorting conditions 

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